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  The objective of the project is to give further value to the three major attractions of the Museum of Natural History of Trieste which has recently been redesigned in a modern key, with an original stand construction able to re-evaluate the scientific, cultural and educational offer, becoming a valuable and innovative attraction for local and international tourism. The new staging has been able to revitalize exceptional and unique finds in the world, such as the Dinosaur Antonio, an extraordinary fossil crocodile which eats only oysters, Carlotta the Shark, and the Man of Lonche who preserves the mandible with the first dental filling (dating back over

  6000 years ago) and its equivalent copy in a giant and dismountable size. These giants, as the logo of the Museum of Natural History emphasizes, have in common a story about teeth, and by the shape of a tooth and its elaboration is born the gadget souvenir of the Museum of this project. The gadget’s shape calls to mind the figure of the map pin.

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